Mountain Climbing in Uganda

Uganda is a land of hills, valleys, picturesque planes and Volcano Mountains offering the most unforgettable hiking experiences in Uganda that can be achieved from Mgahinga Gorilla National Park, Mount Elgon National Park and Rwenzori Mountains National Park. Hiking up a volcano is a test of character, strength and finally an accomplishment that leaves you prouder than before the hike.

Hiking up the volcanoes is not just a rocky climb but rather a scenic walk through the dense forests that grow on the slopes of the volcanoes, a peek at the gorillas that tread the bamboo in the Virunga massif and the rare birds that have made these highlands a birders paradise.

Adventurous travellers can venture to the east of Uganda and hike Mount Moroto and Mount Elgon at 4,321 meters with the largest caldera in the world, to the west to Mount Rwenzori, the mighty Virunga Ranges; Mount Mgahinga (3,474 metres), Muhavura (4,127 metres) and Sabinyo (3,645 metres), to the north to Mount Morungole.

Best Mountain Climbing and Volcano Hikes in Uganda

Uganda offers the most rewarding mountain climbing opportunities with rewarding with the best mountain hiking memories that last a lifetime. The most unforgettable hiking experiences in Uganda can be achieved from:

Mountain Hiking the Mount Elgon

Mount Elgon is the most interesting alternative for travellers compared to other challenging hikes within other Volcanoes in East Africa. It is also very accessible throughout the year, is less congested because fewer tourists climb it and has numerous of the same attractions with cooler climate and lower altitude. Hiking/climbing to the summits of Mount Elgon does not necessarily require special equipments and technical experience.

Mountain Climbing the Virunga ranges

Mountain climbing in Mgahinga Gorilla National Park is conducted in three Volcanoes (Mount Gahinga, Mount Sabinyo and Mount Muhabura) that form part of the enormous Virunga Massif stretching across three countries.

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