We Aim at providing high quality personalized services pertaining tours, travels and tourism as a whole to our esteemed clientele while engaging in sustainable tourism to help preserve Mother Nature for future generations.

Mission Statement:

Theodore Tours & Travel Agency aims at engaging in sustainable tourism activities that are Eco-friendly thus protecting our Environment and our Customers as well as respecting both African contemporary and heritage beliefs, practices and laws which puts Africa on map as one of the best tourist destinations in the world.

Our Vision:-

To be the tourist’s first choice amongst other best tour operators and travel agents in East Africa and Africa at large as far as Traveling and Touring the World is concerned.

Our Objectives:-

  • Provide splendid customer care services to all our clients thus making them feel like they are Home away from Home.
  • Give special offers and competitive rates making travel and touring affordable to everyone.
  • Engage in sustainable tourism to help retain our tourist attraction sites

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